J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2012 Feb 1;14(Suppl 1):P35 doi: 10.1186/1532-429X-14-S1-P35. 2012 Feb 01.

Left ventricular remodeling following myocardial infarction revealed with a quantitative diffusion MRI tractography framework

Mekkaoui C, Huang S, Dai G, Reese TG, Thiagalingam A, Maurovich-Horvat P, Ruskin J, Hoffmann U, Jackowski MP, Sosnovik DE.


A cardiac-tailored framework for 3D Diffusion Tensor MRI tractography is developed and used to characterize myofiber architecture in normal and remodeled myocardium. We show that myofibers in the subepicardium of the remote infarct zone become less oblique (more circumferential) as the heart dilates and remodels. This fiber realignment may play an important role in the loss of contractile function in the remote zone over time.